Ames brigade had been positioned poorly, or maybe they just didn't have the men to form the position properly. At any rate when they were attacked their initial line crumpled. There was a bit of a gap in the brigade line which the Confederates were able to exploit. After falling back from this initial position they held their position at the stone wall and while it was a close affair they were not routed any further. During this fighting the 107th Ohio captured the 8th Louisiana's flag. This was the end of the main fighting for the 107th Ohio. They did some small skirmishing with Confederates in town on July 3rd but this was minor. Over the three days of battle they lost 23 killed, 111 wounded and 77 missing. A captain was the senior officer remaining and his report is a model of brevity. Basically he says they were engaged each day for a certain number of hours and that the fighting was severe. He gives very few details as to where they were or who was on their flanks.
Finally some clarification on how I'm related to Peter Reis. My dad's mother was Luella Goll, her mother was Caroline Illian, and her father was Lewis Illian. Lewis' father was Friederich Illian. Friederich was drafted in 1864 to serve in the 37th Wisconsin. At that same time his brother-in-law, Heinrich Kniebes was also drafted and served in the 6th Wisconsin. Both men were 44 years old and lived on the same farm. Friederich's mother and father in law also lived on the farm and when he was drafted were probably a big help to Friederich's wife, who had seven children aged 15 years to 14 months old to take care of. One of Friederich's daughters, Catherine married Wilhelm Reinheimer. Wilhelm's aunt Elisabeth was married to Peter Reis. Like I said yesterday, the relation is not direct at all but a line can still be traced.
Incidentally Wilhelm's uncles Jacob and Wilhelm were members of the Sandusky Schutzenverein (Rifle Club) founded in 1861. I don't know if the Sandusky Schutzenverein became a company in a regiment but these men did not serve in the army as both were in their 40s when the war began.
Here is a picture of Catherine Illian (my great-something aunt) and William Reinheimer with their three living children, William F., Cora, and Elmer (I believe that is the order from left to right). A fourth child, Elenor died at the age of 4 months.

You may be disappointed by the 107th's regimental history. The regiment fought in two major battles (Chancellorsville and Gettysburg), before being sent the Carolinas. Unfortunately, the author appears to have missed both of these battles, and spoke with only a few comrades to fill in the details. For more information about the the 107th at Gettysburg, you should check "Buckeye Blood; Ohio at Gettysburg" by Baumgartner which gives an overview of all Ohio units that fought, and for information about the 107th's position on the second day, Pfanz's "Culp's Hill & Cemetary Hill."
I found out today that my interlibrary loan request has come in so pretty soon I'll be able to read the book and see for myself. I have Pfanz but will make another library request for Baumgartner soon. Thanks.
I am writing a novel (Historical Fiction) about the 107th OVI. The story follows Ferdinand Charles Suhrer who emigrated from Baden in 1856 and was a druggest and doctor in training in Elyria before enrolling as 1st Sgt. in Co. G.
He was a 2nd Lt (Co. B.)at Chancellorsville and a 1st Lt. on July 1st. He was promoted to Capt. the next day. (But it took forever to get his pay straightened out.)Eventually he would be promoted to Major. He served as provost marshal in Florida and as staff adjutant and also as a brigade adjutant.
Fernando married his sweetheart, Eva Rosa Plotts after the war and moved to Fernandina Florida where he did extremely well until being murdered in 1884. The assailant was a great great grandson of President Jefferson by the name of Thomas Jefferson Epps.
A letter to his son from Alfred Garner in 1910 describes Fernando as "the best looking officer and as brave as he was good looking."
I would enjoy and value hearing from anyone who may have information concerning the 107th.
Andrew B. Suhrer
"My new novel, "The Flying Dutchmen" is complete and at the printer. It should be available late July. The book's web site is:
for more information.
Doesn't want to post the whole address.
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