Friday, May 29, 2009

Andersonville - cemetery

I took the following panorama standing near the New York monument. It moves towards the left and curves around enough that you can see about half the cemetery. Gives you some appreciation of the size of the cemetery.

The next two pictures offer a small panorama near the Minnesota monument. Once again though it does give some idea of the size of the cemetery. None of these graves are visible from the earlier panorama, moving left to right.

And one final shot that shows graves we've seen in the two other panoramas but also does a good job of showing the sea of white headstones.


Chris Evans said...

Those views give me goosebumps just looking at them. Standing in the cemetery is quite awe-inspiring and stunning. The end of the film 'Andersonville' uses the cemetery to a moving effect.

Nick said...

It is an amazing place. I think its somewhere everyone should visit. I was glad to see the military was doing a staff ride when we were there. Not sure exactly what they were teaching them but it was good to see. I think I might watch the movie this weekend

Slamdunk said...

Wow, the pictures add so much to the post.