Probably the largest open area at Chickamauga is this field along the LaFayette Road on the Union right flank. It starts out across the road from Viniard Field, curves north behind the Heg monument and then curves west towards Wilder Tower. The western portion is usually referred by its modern name, Recreation Field. I don't recall seeing an official name for the portion behind the Heg monument, it might technically be an extension of Viniard Field. In any respect this area is the most open ground at Chickamauga.
This is the view behind the Heg monument looking north. Wilder's men formed a line along the tree line on the left side of the picture. The LaFayette Road runs north-south out of view on the right side of the picture.
This is again looking north although this time we have moved farther north than the previous picture. The monument in the middle of the picture far in the distance is the 39th North Carolina monument. This marks the farthest penetration by the Confederates on September 19.
And here is the 39th North Carolina monument.
And the view looking west from the 39th North Carolina monument. This area would be Recreation Field. Lytle Hill is roughly at right center and Wilder Tower is out of view on the left.

Historically, Recreation Field is sometimes referred to as "Glenn Field."
The field with the NC monument is the "other" Brock Field.
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