79th Pennsylvania monument. I've always liked this monument because of the moment it depicts with the death of a color bearer. Later I learned that one of my friend's had a relative in the unit. Now when I see the monument I'm reminded of him.

10th Wisconsin monument. Like I said yesterday I have an affinity for Wisconsin monuments. This is one of my favorites. I like the stare down he's giving the advancing Confederates. I like the sword, though it looks more like a broad sword than what I'd typically think of as a Civil War sword. I'm sure it really was an issued sword, it just looks a bit different than what I'd expect to see.

24th Wisconsin monument. This monument means a bit more to me than any other Wisconsin monument because I had a relative in this regiment. He is the only relative I'm sure I had at this battle (there are a couple of brothers in the 21st Wisconsin that I might be related to, I'm just not sure yet). Jacob Goll was a private in the regiment yet hardly ever fought with them. As best I can tell he only fought in one battle, Chattanooga. After Perryville he was picked to be a provost guard (one document seems to indicate that Sheridan, his division commander, selected the men for the provost guard personally but this I'm not sure of). He served as division provost guard until after Chickamauga when he was returned to the ranks. Following Chattanooga he was detached again, this time to serve in the ambulance corps. After the fall of Atlanta his regiment was sent with Thomas back to middle Tennessee, he stayed behind in the Atlanta area for a little while and was murdered in a "row" or a quarrel. To me this would indicate he was killed by a fellow Union soldier. I've often wondered if court martial records would reveal more of the story but have heard that the court martial records are a mess. He is listed as murdered on every government document so I would suspect that the other person was court martialed. That though might remain a mystery.
Great job with pictures of the monuments! I visited the battlefield for two days in July and can relate to most of the pictures. Based on my observations of many different battlefields, very few visitors ever get out of their car and actually walk the field. I enjoy humping the ground as much as possible. Generally, I have the battlefield to myself w/ the exception of a few joggers.
Thanks. I agree with you, it usually doesn't take much to get away from the bulk of the visitors. Sometimes that's as simple as driving down a road not on the driving tour. Other times it requires a bit of shoe leather. When I was there last fall it seemed every time I ventured into a first day section of the field I'd be alone. And when I walked Missionary Ridge I only bumped into fellow tourists at the Bragg Reservation.
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