Iowa 3d Regiment Infantry Volunteers,
Commanded by Major William M. Stone, (Captured)
Lieut. George W. Crosley.
This regiment went into action, Sunday, April 6, 1862, on the south side of this field at about 9 a.m. It soon fell back to this place, which it held against repeated attacks until 2 p.m., when it fell back two hundred yards, and one hour later withdrew to the Wicker field. Here it was engaged until 4 p.m., when it retired, fighting, to its camp, where it was nearly surrounded, but broke through the ranks of the enemy and joined the command of Col. M. M. Crocker, in front of 2d Iowa Camp, where it bivouacked Sunday night. On Monday it was engaged under Lieut. Crosley, he being senior officer for duty. Present for duty, including officers, musicians, teamsters, etc., 560. Its loss was 23 men killed; 6 officers and 128 men wounded; 3 officers and 27 men missing; total, 187.
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